Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Does APD, Inc., expect Police Officers to give up their conventional ammunition for our non-lethal ammunition?

No, because criminals are using conventional ammunition therefore, we recommend that Police Officers be equipped with our ammunition as an alternative, and use their judgment when circumstances present itself. 

If criminals know that Police Departments across the country are using inferior ammunition would it not cause a rise in the death of policemen?

No, because Police Departments will continue to utilize their conventional ammunitions; all we ask is that they be equipped with options, so an informed Police Officer can use his or her best judgment to save a life or take one.


Yes, because our ammunition is designed to neutralize the target without death being the only outcome.

What other uses can our ammunition be used for with Police Officers?

Our ammunition can be used on the street level as well as intake processing facilities such as jail, corrections systems where Personnel will be less of a threat to unarmed inmates.

Is our ammunition effective in domestic violence situations?

Yes, especially in these types of situations an Officer can elect to go hot with traditional ammunition or utilize our non-lethal ammunition. This scenario just increase survivability by fifty (50%) percent.

Can our ammunition be used in the gaming industry?

Yes, our ammunition can reduce lead contamination in our water supply which is an environmental hazard at present. It can also be used to assist Veternarians and other animal professions.


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